National Animal Of Nigeria

The national animal of Nigeria is the eagle. This refers not to one species but rather to eagles as a whole, many species of which are to be found in Nigeria. They hold great symbolic significance to the people of the nation and are seen to be embodiments of national pride and beauty.

So, though the term “eagle” does not refer to a single species, at the same time it is perhaps one of the most recognizable animal monikers in the English language.

They are highly revered all over the world and this is especially true in Nigeria where they have been made the official national animal.

Let’s find out more.

National Animal Of Nigeria


What is the national animal of Nigeria?

The national animal of Nigeria is the eagle.

Though, again, there is no defined species that is simply referred to as “eagle,” most people recognize what the term eagle refers to.

There are 68 recognized species of eagle along with further subspecies and subdivisions.

The term does not even necessarily denote a natural group, but rather any bird of prey large enough to hunt sizeable vertebrates.

They are, then, large, powerfully built birds of prey, heavy in their heads and beaks with large, clutching talons.

They have comparatively very long and broad wings even among the smaller species of eagle when compared to other birds of similar overall size like the common buzzard.

Their beaks are large and hooked allowing them to rip flesh from their prey.

They typically build nests up in very high areas, such as at the tops of high trees or along mountain cliff faces.

They are, with a couple of exceptions, the largest birds of prey in the world–that is the largest eagles are, though there are eagles as small as 16 inches long.

The largest are beaten only in size by condors and vultures, carrion birds rather than strict birds of prey.

Naturally, there are a number of metrics by which you could judge the largest eagle–body weight, length, wingspan, and so on.

So, there tends to be a lot of debate about which species is the largest, and unfortunately, there may never be a single answer.

Forest-dwelling eagles are often large in size but with a relatively very short wingspan, necessary for them to be able to maneuver in such dense environments.

So, again, the eagle is a term that comprises many different species, whereas a national animal does tend to be just one species–so why is the eagle the national animal of Nigeria?


Why is the eagle the national animal of Nigeria?

The eagle is the national animal of Nigeria for a variety of reasons.

For one thing, eagles are of course richly symbolic and represent many different things to many people in different cultures.

In Nigeria, among other things, they are seen to embody strength, courage, pride and freedom, being able to soar where they want to and with many species even leaving the country entirely at certain times of the year.

All the while they are among the most powerful predators in the sky, and there are more than ten species to be found in Nigeria.

On the other hand, then, given the number of species to be found in Nigeria, they are also seen to embody the natural beauty of the nation.

The eagle in general is an inextricable part of the local ecosystem on many levels, and again they are embodiments of the environments in which they live–much of which is the remarkable natural beauty that dominates Nigeria’s landscape.

The eagle, again soaring high above it all while also living in the ins and outs of the forests and valleys, embodies it at every level.


What do eagles eat?

Eagles are birds of prey, and given their enormous range, their prey can vary considerably between areas.

In general, they will hunt small mammals like rabbits, hares, and sometimes smaller things like mice or hamsters.

The bald eagle is known to have carried the heaviest load of any bird and eagles will often target fawn red deer which rival their own bodyweight.

They will also frequently live on coastlines and eat fish of many different kinds.

Fish represent easy-to-catch, readily available food sources and so this is why eagles are so often found on coastlines.

In general, then, they will eat whatever they can find.


Where do eagles live?

Most of the 68 species of eagle are found in Eurasia, with only 14 being found outside of this range.

But there are of course many in Australia and North America as well as South America.

In terms of their habitats, again they will vary quite a lot.

They generally favor higher elevations and will often live high in the mountains where prey is easy to see and catch.

As mentioned, they are also commonly found close to coastlines where there is a lot of readily available fish and other seafood sources.

Eagles, again, are one of the most widely recognizable symbols in the natural world.

They embody many things to many cultures but there is almost always a great degree of overlap between the things that those cultures see the eagle to represent, however disparate they might be.

For this reason, the national animal of Nigeria has been chosen as the national animal because it means a great deal to the people and to broader humanity as well.

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