The national animal of Albania is the golden eagle. It is a figure and symbol of bravery, freedom, and the national spirit. Albania is a very mountainous country so there are many such species like the eagle but the golden eagle takes the prize as the country’s most iconic animal and national symbol.
Eagles are a very common national animal and it’s very easy to see why.
They are majestic, beautiful creatures that inspire all kinds of proud and lofty emotions in humans.
They are, then, understandably an important national symbol in Albania, too, and have been officially designated the country’s national animal.
Let’s find out more.
What is the national animal of Albania?
The national animal of Albania is the golden eagle.
This iconic bird is one of the most important national symbols in Albania, and there was never much doubt that this would be the country’s national animal.
Eagles are a very popular national animal in countries that have native eagles, the most famous example doubtless being the American bald eagle.
But the golden eagle is just as important a symbol in Albania and one that is recognized across the country for its national significance.
The golden eagle itself is naturally a bird of prey and is the most widely distributed species of eagle.
They have dark brown plumage with some lighter golden brown on their necks and are spotted throughout their plumage.
They hunt small mammals with deadly efficiency, using immense speed and agility as well as their powerful talons to catch things like hares, rabbits, squirrels, and marmots.
They nest high in the cliffs and range over extremely large territories—sometimes as big as 77 square miles.
They tend to breed during the spring, and very often mate for life.
At the very least they will stay with the same mate for many years and may sometimes return to the same nest time and time again.
Though they usually lay up to four eggs, generally one or two chicks survive to adulthood.
It has sadly disappeared from many areas it once inhabited, but is still common virtually throughout the Holarctic region at least for some parts of the year.
They have, for centuries, been one of the most highly regarded birds in falconry.
They have incredible hunting prowess and are not only an important symbol in the modern day but have been imbued with great mystic power in many cultures around the world.
10 Facts About Golden Eagles
Golden Glow: The golden eagle gets its name from the beautiful gold-colored feathers found on the back of its head.
Gender Differences: Male golden eagles typically weigh between 8 to 9 lbs, while females are noticeably heavier, weighing between 10 to 14 lbs. This weight difference often applies to many bird species, where females are larger than males.
Incredible Wingspan: These majestic birds boast an impressive wingspan ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 feet, roughly twice the height of an average adult human!
Avid Hunters: Golden eagles have a varied diet comprising small and medium-sized mammals, birds, and reptiles. However, myths of them snatching away human infants are just that – myths.
Life Expectancy: Golden eagles can live up to 30 years in the wild. With the right care, they can even live longer in captivity.
Migration Range: These eagles are well-traveled, ranging from western U.S., across Canada and Alaska, and even wintering from Alaska to central Mexico.
Flight Speed: While soaring gracefully in the sky, a golden eagle can spot its prey and swoop down at blistering speeds of up to 200 mph.
Architects of the Sky: Golden eagle nests are massive structures made of twigs or roots, sometimes spanning up to 10 feet across and reaching depths of 4 feet!
Conservation Status: Golden eagles are listed under Appendix II of CITES and are of ‘Least Concern’ according to IUCN, but they are not listed by the USFWS.
Environmental Warriors: These eagles play an important role in nature, from cleaning up by eating carrion to ensuring the survival of the fittest by preying on the weak and old animals.
Why is the golden eagle the national animal of Albania?
The golden eagle is the national animal of Albania for a variety of reasons.
The symbolism of the golden eagle is fairly easy to imagine.
They are meant to be important symbols of bravery, and freedom and these two things are meant to embody the national Albanian spirit.
Golden eagles are really important to Albanian culture, firstly, just in what they represent and the ideals of liberty and courage.
Beyond that, though, there’s the more intimate question of Albania’s physical makeup.
This country is highly mountainous, with lots of alpine forests and high, rocky ranges.
This is the perfect environment for the golden eagle; as mentioned they like to nest very high up, and so the mountains give them plenty of opportunity to do so.
These habitats, of course, are also abundant in the kinds of small mammals that golden eagles like to hunt.
So the animal is very important to Albanian culture simply because they are abundant in Albania.
The Albanian people, both historically and today, have commonly seen this bird and have of course also used it for falconry and hunting.
Though the eagle has disappeared from many places in Europe it may once have lived, today it is still strong in Albania.
Can you keep a golden eagle as a pet?
You should not and cannot keep a golden eagle as a pet.
There are many reasons for this; the most important is simply the animal’s welfare.
Remember, these birds can sometimes roam territories of up to 77 square miles.
They will not do well at all being cooped up in your house.
Of course, they have been used in falconry for centuries, but it’s really better just to let them roam free.
If a pet trade becomes common for these animals, then trafficking will quickly become a problem and threaten the animal’s long-term survival.
How long do golden eagles live?
It can depend on a lot of circumstances, but generally, golden eagles will live for around 14 years.
Of course, this average would be pulled greatly down by the fact that around three-quarters of chicks do not reach maturity at all.
For those that do make it to adulthood, though, they will usually live for somewhere between ten and fourteen years.
On the other hand, some golden eagles have been known to live very long lives.
One particular example is said to have been no less than 32 years old when it died.
This is certainly an outlier, though, and the vast majority live to be around 14.
There’s an awful lot you could say about the significance of eagles in human culture.
They have virtually always been a point of focus and something that people have felt is very important symbolic to human beings and thought.
In Albania this is even more true given that the golden eagle is such a common animal in the country, and that you’re very likely to come across one during any trek in the country’s wild lands.